Wednesday 6 July 2011

Winning the lottery

Many people expect enlightenment to be some sort of vast cosmic explosion of consciousness, with choirs of angels singing and the ultimate wisdom of the Universe suddenly at their fingertips. Enlightenment isn't like that (though if you are prone to hallucinations or spontaneous higher states of consciousness, your mileage may vary).

Enlightenment is like winning the lottery. Which is to say, nothing much happens. You get a piece of paper, which you put in a machine, and then a number on a computer somewhere changes into a different, bigger number. That's it.

It's only in the aftermath, over time, that the scale of what's just happened becomes apparent. You get an expensive meal with friends to celebrate. Nice, though not that incredible in and of itself - just like a less expensive meal, but hopefully a bit bigger and better. Then, over time, it hits you that you can afford just about anything you want. State-of-the-art PC/sound system/plasma TV? Sure. New car? Sure. New house? Sure. Then, gradually, you start thinking bigger.

Being able to do what you truly want with your life without having to worry about financing it? Sure. Being able to set up large-scale projects that impact the whole world? Why not. With a bit of savvy financial management and some imagination, the possibilities that open up become endless.

So enlightenment is just like winning the lottery. It's not a big thing in and of itself. It's a tiny thing, the recognition of one simple truth. After that, it's what you do with it over time that counts.

You can do that tiny thing now. Look. Can you see the thing you call "me" anywhere right now? Anywhere at all?

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Unknown said...

Are you trying to tell us something? ;-)

Alexei said...

Yup, that I'm

a) good at analogies


b) presently low on inspiration for decent articles

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